2 research outputs found


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    Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) merupakan suatu teknologi yang mampu melewatkan trafik data dan suara melalui jaringan (Internet Protocol) IP. Penggunaan IP memungkinkan dapat menghemat biaya dikarenakan tidak perlu membuat sebuah infrastruktur baru untuk komunikasi suara. Pengaplikasian VoIP saat ini masih menggunakan infrastruktur jaringan konvensional dengan perkembangan Software Defined Network (SDN) yang menawarkan paradigma baru dalam dunia jaringan komputer dan penggunaan SDN dapat memudahkan dalam mengontrol jaringan. Pada Proyek Akhir ini melakukan implementasi layanan VoIP pada jaringan SDN dengan menggunakan beberapa protokol routing, yaitu: Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), dan Routing Information Protocol (RIP), serta melakukan pengukuran Quality of Service (QoS) dan melakukan perbandingan hasil pengukuran terhadap server side dengan background traffic di client side 10 Mbps, 30 Mbps, 50 Mbps, dan 90 Mbps, convergance time, dan Mean Opinion Score (MOS) berdasarkan perhitungan delay dan packet loss untuk mengetahui kualitas layanan VoIP. Hasil pengujian QoS pada Proyek Akhir dapat disimpulkan bahwa semakin besar beban trafik yang diberi maka semakin kecil nilai throughput. Hal ini disebabkan karena lalu lintas pada jaringan akan padat, sehingga bandwidth yang tersedia juga semakin padat dan jumlah bit yang dikirimkan setiap detik juga mengalami penurunan. Nilai MOS termasuk katagori baik dengan nilai empat. Hasil pengukuran QoS termasuk baik berdasarkan standar ITU-T G.1010. Kata Kunci: VoIP, IP, SDN, routin

    Network Slicing Using FlowVisor for Enforcement of Bandwidth Isolation in SDN Virtual Networks

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    Software-defined networking (SDN) is becoming increasingly popular because of features such as programming control, embedded monitoring, fine-grained control, flexibility, support for many tenants, and scalability. Problems with the prior design, known as the conventional network, include the need to configure each network device individually, decentralized control, and a persistent issue with tenant enforcement for multitenant support. Tenants are unable to administer their networks without disturbing their neighbours. In this research, network slicing on SDN will ensure tenant isolation using FlowVisor and an SDN controller. Flowspace, which is part of FlowVisor capable of implementing network isolation, is for isolation in this research. Multitenancy is supported in SDN via the network slicing technique. Two types of renters were employed, and two testing procedures connectivity and functionality were run to meet the research objectives. This research produced several findings, including that all hosts were correctly linked, and the connection was achieved without turning on FlowVisor. The host function can only send and receive data from hosts with the same tenant. The research results show that FlowVisor can be applied for isolation enforcement. As a result of each tenant utilising their slice of the network without being interrupted by other slices, this research finds that utilising FlowVisor to construct Flowspace can segment the network to allow multitenancy. Expanding the number of slices for more study and testing in a real-world setting is possible